
Taxis in Prague

Taxis in Prague and Recommended Taxi Companies

For a long time, ordering a taxi in Prague was a source of much unhappiness, particularly for foreign tourists. Drivers were quite happy to charge exorbitant prices for their services, and visitors who couldn’t speak Czech were the most likely to be the victim of such behaviour.

But in recent years, the situation has changed dramatically, and ordering a taxi now needn’t be any cause for concern.

Prague City Council introduced the following regulations for taxi services:

  • The maximum charge is CZK 28 / approximately EUR 1 per kilometre

  • The starting fare, regardless of the journey, is CZK 40 / approximately EUR 1.50

  • Up to CZK 6 / approximately EUR 0.20 per minute can be charged for waiting

How to order a taxi in Prague?

You can order by telephone, e.g. by text message (a very practical solution – see information below), via the internet, or by hailing a taxi in the street. But bear in mind that the last option can be risky.

To avoid being ripped off, you should only use reputable taxi companies. We recommend the following:

  • AAA Taxi is one of the largest Prague taxi companies. You can order on 14 014 or (+420) 222 333 222, or through the company website. Just tell them where you want to be picked up and the destination. The company will immediately tell you how much you will have to pay, thus saving you an unpleasant surprise later. An advantage of AAA Taxi is that you can use a payment card.

Price list: CZK 40 / approximately EUR 2 is the starting fare, and then CZK 28 / approximately EUR 1 for each subsequent kilometre.

Other reputable taxi companies in Prague also enable you to book a taxi by sending a text message:

  • City Taxi. You can order the taxi by telephone on +420 257 257 257 or by sending a text message to +420 777 257 257.

Price list: CZK 40 / approximately EUR 2 is the starting fare, and then CZK 24 / approximately EUR 0.90 for each subsequent kilometre.

  • Profi Taxi. You can order the taxi by telephone on 14 015 or by sending a text message to +420 736 375 375.

Price list: CZK 40 / approximately EUR 2 is the starting fare, and then CZK 28 / approximately EUR 1 for each subsequent kilometre.

How to order a taxi by text message

This method is very practical, secure and simple. Just send a text with the date, your destination and where you want to be picked up. Don’t forget to include your name.

Sample text message: “Smith, Prague, Jáchymova 3, 18:20, 26. 5.”

You’ll then get a text confirming receipt of your order. It will contain information about the make of vehicle, registration number, and the time the taxi will arrive at the address you specify. This booking method is ideal for those who don’t speak Czech.

If you want our driver to pick you up immediately, you don’t need to include the date or time. Just tell us the address where you’ll be waiting. In a few minutes, you’ll receive a reply with information about when the nearest taxi will arrive.

Please note: When giving details of addresses in Prague, the street number should be that on the blue sign, not the red sign. The latter is the land registration number. You can find more information about this in our article on how to avoid getting lost in Prague.

Fewer taxis are available during the rush hour. So, you should be prepared to wait a little longer.

To give you an idea of taxi prices, here are several examples of taxi rides.

  • From Prague Airport to the city centre you should pay from CZK 550 to CZK 800 (from EUR 21).

  • The journey from the Old Town to Prague Castle (Hradčanské náměstí) will cost you from CZK 200 to CZK 350 (from EUR 8).

  • A trip from the outskirts of Prague to the centre will range from CZK 300 to CZK 380 (from EUR 12).

  • A 10-minute trip from the city centre (ranging roughly from 2 kilometres – 2.5 kilometres) will cost from CZK 90 to CZK 120 (from EUR 3).

Please note: Rates may vary depending on the traffic conditions (e.g. the price increases even if you’re stuck in a traffic jam).

To avoid any scams and to ensure hassle-free journeys around Prague you can book your transfer from the airport into the city or back, on our website!

The main benefit of transferring with us is the fixed price, which doesn’t go up even if you find yourself stuck in a traffic jam. If you go with us from the airport to the city centre, the driver will be waiting for you and holding a sign with your name on it. You can then get your visit to Prague off to a good start and avoid stress waiting for a taxi.

Should I pay a tip to the taxi driver?

In the Czech Republic, it’s considered polite but not obligatory to tip waitstaff in restaurants, tourist guides, and taxi drivers. The general practice is to round up the price to the nearest 10 or 100 crowns.

To round off, here are some tips to avoid being conned:

  • Flagging a taxi in Prague in the street can be risky. We therefore recommend that you avoid doing so.

  • As soon as you get into the vehicle, tell the driver your destination and ask him or her how much the trip should cost. If the amount appears too much, feel free to get out of the car and order another taxi. If you do so by telephone by or via the internet, you’ll receive price information as soon as the order is completed.

  • Pay attention to how fast the price increases on the metre. If it appears to be rising too quickly, ask the driver to stop and then you should get out of the vehicle.

  • The rate of CZK 28 per kilometre is the maximum amount, as set by Prague City Council, but some drivers will charge much more. You should therefore always ask for a receipt.

  • Every taxi must be equipped with a top-light and a sign with the word “TAXI”. The registration number, company name and the price list should be shown on both sides of the vehicle. The price should correspond to the pricelist which should correspond to the metre. If the vehicle looks otherwise, you should wait for another taxi.

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